Classhy (CLASS-she):
The fusion of classy and trashy; when highbrow ingredients meet lowbrow concepts, and vice versa.


Check it out! 
I got a hair up my apron and decided to re-vamp the site. I'm super duper excited for this new design-- i was having major ish getting the old one to do what I wanted and I think I'm on the right track with this classhy facelift

I am also adding limited advertising space on both of my sites through google AdSense in order to raise a little extra cash for recipe ingredients.
PLEASE, PLEASE take just a moment to visit my advertisers-- just one click gets me closer to sharing my next classhy creation!
Amazing summer cherries in Nevada City, CA
Feedback on all my posts are incredibly appreciated
-- just click to add a comment below!

It's been rainy around here and I've been feeling a bit sluggish despite the massive amounts of work I want to be focusing on. And whenever I start feeling like this,I inevitably want to comfort myself with the best food ever- 
Here's my lame-ass reference drawing.
Those things that look like pulled teeth
 are supposed to be cheese splatters.
Shut up.
Macaroni and Cheese
I really do love the stuff-- 
emotionally AND culinarily-- and while I was back in California over the winter I had my buddy Dylan at Integrity Tattoo in San Jose etch an ode to my beloved elbow macaroni on my arm- right above the elbow, of course. 

And here is the final Processed Ink Product:
The Kraft Deluxe Blue heart is my favorite :)
Thanks, Dylan!!!!
...and sorry, Mom...