Classhy (CLASS-she):
The fusion of classy and trashy; when highbrow ingredients meet lowbrow concepts, and vice versa.


January is a time for new beginnings and starting over with a fresh slate. Gym memberships spike, journals are begun with resolve and the dog gets walked far more regularly. For about a week. Well fortunately for all of us good intentioned slackers out there, January 1st isn't our only opportunity to start life anew. In fact, we have a chance for redemption every day- its called The Morning! And with it comes what has oft been touted (though greatly disputed) as The Most Important Meal of the Day.
I'll admit that I've never been real big on breakfast. I tend to lean toward the lunch side of things, so if i find myself  at a restaurant in the morning, I'm usually the freak with a spinach salad while everyone else is rocking out on their belgian waffles and croissant french toast. I think part of it comes from associating breakfast with sweet foods- syrup, sugar, fruit... As a decidedly salty palliated person, I'm not too keen on pancakes or Capt'n Crunch (I know, how can I be trusted?!). 

I've also lived most of my life with an underlying fear of eggs. They've always sort of resided in the "gross out" section of my tastes-- not due to their flavor but more so the threat of bloody yolks, partially developed chicks and that time my vegan friend called me an abortion eater. You know, the usual.  

All that being said... I am getting older and my tastes are changing. I've discovered a few yummy eggs plates to order and sweet is finding it's place on my radar.  Actually making these dishes at home, however, has proven to be a challenge since I have no eggsperience! 

So this month I will challenge myself with four classic breakfast dishes which incorporate eggs and/or sweets--with a classhy twist-- and just in time for your weekend brunch! 
Come back tomorrow for Classh Course One:
Club Benny!
...where the breakfast and lunch menus collide!

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