Classhy (CLASS-she):
The fusion of classy and trashy; when highbrow ingredients meet lowbrow concepts, and vice versa.


Welcome to Classy but Trashy,
a food blog!

Within the pages of this blog you will find essays, stories, recipes and projects that illustrate my life straddling and blurring the not so thin line between gourmet cuisine and low brow chow.

Currently, I am living in San Francisco where I spend my time exploring the rich and delicious foodiverse around me. As a native Northern California girl, I’ve been lucky enough to grow up living and traveling around the world. Through these adventures, my experiences with many international “gourmet moments” have both defined my palate as well as broadened my view on what is considered classy vs trashy not just here at home, but the world over.

I’ve spent my lifetime combining these two seemingly disparate elements in ways that have been unexpected, oddly inspired and often sacrilegious. It is through the content of this blog that I hope to organize and further build on this concept through humor, experimentation and unwavering respect for both ends of the culinary spectrum. Come along as I challenge myself with monthly classhy recipe series, share family foodie anecdotes, muse about my favorite things to eat (including the places to eat them) and generally crack up in the face of culinary convention!

With today’s launch I have included an introduction to each of the sections that make up the content of Classy but Trashy. Over the course of the next week I will be continually updating with the first postings under each of the section titles. Check back often to get an idea of the sort of classhy fun there is in store for the future! After the initial week, expect postings to slow to a more regular pace of 2-3 pieces weekly.

As I am a brand new participant to the blogosphere, it can be guaranteed that there will be changes and schedule tweaks along the way… Please don’t hesitate to give any feedback you think might help—I’m here to learn!


  1. You have three grammatical errors in your first post, and one wrong punctuation. Ill have to edit these before you put them up. Really Sarah? Hopefully I just got you for the holiday. Im so proud of you for starting your blog, and cannot wait to read and possibly eat your food. As a kid who hates cooking and has a foodie for a brother, i cannot WAIT to see what you come up with. Great first idea with the TV dinners. -BranMuffin

  2. I'll take it- thanks, friend!(btw... sometimes that's how i roll... trashy syntax fer life)

  3. Who says TV dinners are low brow? Are you calling me and my family trashy?...... well ok, ok, you're right.
